Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Last Ditch Effort to Rescue Americans & USA from "Trump Contagion" 💜🌊 Tools to Reach Out to Neighbors, Friends & Family to Warn & Inform Them of Danger

“Trump Contagion” is not an American cult, it is a global criminal conspiracy to destabilize, destroy & overthrow the US Democratic Republic

VOTE yes for continuing America & NO to counter-reality, kleptocratic Trumpistan. Vote Putin out (last chance)!

Shadowland, a deeply immersive six-part docu-series, reveals how conspiracy theories have moved from the margins to the mainstream, exploring how people come to their beliefs, and what makes these theories so alluring. The series is a shocking wakeup call about the dangerous influence of conspiracy thinking on the functioning of our democracy, as families, friends, and the nation are increasingly being torn apart.

George Conway’s Anti-Psychopath PAC launched a new six-figure cable and digital ad campaign drawing attention to Trump’s deteriorating mental state. The campaign showcases prominent Republicans—including Trump allies—calling him a “populist authoritarian narcissist” and “not fit to be president of the United States.”

Anthony Davis reports on The World Mental Health Coalition's major conference 'THE MORE DANGEROUS STATE OF THE WORLD AND THE NEED FOR FIT LEADERSHIP' with Dr 

 & 17 other experts.

Cult survivor and author, 

 joins Thom Hartmann to discuss how to deprogram the Trump cult before they bring our democracy to the ground.

Freedom of Mind substack & “The Cult of Trump” book:

Dr. Steven Hassan
Just Released: New Edition of "The Cult of Trump"
With the election on the horizon, I’m excited to announce Simon & Schuster has re-released The Cult of Trump. Republican attorney George Conway has done a foreword to help shed light on the urgent issue of Trump’s ongoing manipulation. Trump’s tactics—deception, fear, and mind contr…
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“Fight Like Hell” shows the true story of January 6 as it's never been seen before. With no narration, commentary, or other “spin,” the film immerses the viewer into the “Stop the Steal” movement from its origins - long before the 2020 election had even ended. With original never-seen footage shot by an army combat cinematographer using state-of-the-art cinema cameras

DOJ & MSM, do an assessment, as for any other person: is DJT a criminal? Currently doing crimes? Poses a threat to the public or citizens? Involved in grand conspiracy for terror or violence? Are DJT & conspirators planning to overthrow Constitutional US govt? If all of these are true, then “Lock Him Up” already! Why is America having sand kicked in our face by mobsters, bullies & lunatics day after day? How are we being frog-marched to kremlin annexation as if it's a squid game show? Just apply existing precedent! =^.^= "Where law ends, tyranny begins"

The most respected Republicans you know are not voting for Donald Trump. They know a vote for Trump is a vote against America. 💜 🌊

"In our nation's 246 year history, there has never been an individual who was a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.” ~ Dick Cheney =^.^= knowingly committing: insurrection, espionage, public endangerment, fraud, perjury, election subversion, obstruction of justice, organizing terror.

Remember, what Trump is trying to do is to fuck up the legal gears until he & his mob can monkeywrench the electoral process & set up a mafia prison state, in which many of us will end up in camps, or worse. His last ditch attempt to stay out of prison & maintain his global organized crime syndicate.

All US media should keep reminding Americans in 2024 that defendant demagogue DJT is a twice impeached, lying loser, an indicted criminal, a rapist abuser, Putin’s asset, officially the worst president in US history, & the most hated single person on a global scale, ever. Not welcome anywhere except at his rallies. A monster.

In 2016 we described US election subversion of Trump/gop crime syndicate as "the biggest smash & grab in American history". Smashing & grabbing, billions embezzled, millions battered & dead from corruption, our society poisoned & split. "Trump contagion" a secondary metastasizing of "putin contagion", violently corrupting the world. VOTE Trump for Prison 2024! Rescue reality

An abusive, disturbed, criminal individual who could not pass a background check to work at a local school, bank, hotel, or a security clearance for military or police- has no business being "Commander in Chief" of the deadliest military in human history: VOTE like a verdict citizens, rescue reality from "trump contagion"! 💜 🌊

Everyone needs to check out what Rachel Maddow just warned: "Frightening truth, Trump saying voting doesn't matter", showing how maga election deniers are positioned in swing states to refuse to certify election results, bypassing the voters (note: Mike Johnson poised to do what Mike Pence would not & assume power unconstitutionally, while Trump-cult/mob swarms the govt like Jan 6)

Extremist gop-maga "christian nationalist" supremacists are telling us, across the country & in DC, they are in process of taking the society, the govt, by force, by any dirty means necessary, including kremlin collusion, violent mobs, & #2 in line Mike Johnson refusing to leave, if Dems win, refusing to certify Electoral votes & then using House to appoint demagogue DJT once again. (an actual plan) Pass the warning.

Americans need to be made more aware of how unprecedented the opposition from WITHIN major political party, former lawyers, like Cohen, his own generals, cabinet, RNC chairman. GOP having been replaced by maga corruption cult of deception & sedition, a criminal conspiracy. Courageous Americans like the Vindmans will hold the line. Now get media on board, to stop normalizing insanity. 💜 🌊

Just say NO to cruelty & derangement: VOTE BLUE for American continuity 🌊 "Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on." ~ Thurgood Marshall

purple tidal wave 2024 💜 what is your verdict citizen? ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤

“Love recognises no barriers, it jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination, full of hope.”

~ Maya Angelou
