Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Disaster Zone Ahead 🍄 🌞 ❥ Warning: Extremist-Demons, Madmen & Mobsters on the Attack 🐰 🐻 🐺 🌎

Earth Being Destroyed By Industrial Plunderers! Also: World Terrorized By Gigantic Rotten Scarecrow $elling $cary $tories (America's aching #Trumphole/ ce$$pool/ dead-end disaster zone)

🐝 🐦 💗 🌱 🍒 💜 🌿 🌻 🍄 🌞   ٩(●̮̃•)۶ ❥   🐰 😹 🐻 🐺 🌎

“We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis...if solutions within the system are so impossible to find, then...we should change the system itself.” ~ Greta Thunberg

‘They see us as a threat because we’re having an impact’ https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2019/jul/21/great-thunberg-you-ask-the-questions-see-us-as-a-threat

Questions from famous fans
Maisie Williams: What can people reading this do today to make an impact?

"A great start is to inform yourself. To read and try to understand the problem. It is very depressing but absolutely necessary. Once you fully realise the situation then you will know what to do. And then spread that information to others. Then there are lots of things you can do in your everyday life. Of course we need a system change. But I believe that you cannot have system change without individual change. In today’s debate climate, a lot of people will not listen to you unless you practise as you preach and live by example. And we need everyone to listen. So making some personal changes is very much worth it."


Resistance Is Fertile 🐰 🐻 🌎 ♨ 🐝 🐘 🐺 🌞 💜 ♥ ♛

Climate Change Fueling Extreme Weather


Extinction Rebellion Suggests Year of Boycotting New Clothes

🐝 🐦 💗 🌱 🍒 💜 🌿 🌻 🍄 🌞   ٩(●̮̃•)۶ ❥   🐰 😹 🐻 🐺 🌎

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