Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How Much is Your World Worth 👦 👧 💕 🌊 Global Youth Call Out Future Being Stolen

#ClimateStrike Alerting: Your Planet is On Fire

“We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis...if solutions within the system are so impossible to find, then...we should change the system itself.” ~ Greta Thunberg 
#ClimateStrike 🐰 🐻 🌎 🐘 🐺 🌞 🐝  💜 ♥ ♞❣♘ ♛

“What we desperately need is an appropriate level of shock and anxiety concerning a specific ecological trauma — indeed, the ecological trauma of our age, the very thing that defines the Anthropocene as such,” Timothy Morton writes in his book Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World. The profound sense of shock Morton calls for is what Greta felt at a very young age, after learning about climate change in school. 

The school strikers’ message, similar to the extinction rebels, is that we should panic. Our house, in Greta’s memorable phrase, is on fire. We must embrace “cathedral thinking” – laying the foundations for the carbon-free future without knowing how we are going to paint the roof. This way of thinking does induce fear. But since doing nothing is not an option, except for nihilists and misanthropes, the rest of us have little choice but to battle through these darker emotions – and act with hope. 


#ClimateStrike Alerting: This is the End of the Road, the Titanic is on Fire 
🐦 🌈 ♥ 💜 💎 🐰 🐻 🐺 

🌎 😻 🐾 ♨ ♥ 💜 💎 🐦 💙 🌎 🌱 🌿 🌲 🌳

https://www.biographic.com/posts/sto/sounds-of-survival @bioGraphic  ❤ ✨ 🐉 Sounds of Survival | #bioGraphic 

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